Friday, May 30, 2008

5th International Book Fair of Thesaloniki - it's great!

The 5th International Book Fair of Thessaloniki opened yesterday - the fair opened from 10:00 in the morning while the official opening ceremony was held at 19:00 in the afternoon. The attendance was very good for a normal working day - while lots of schools attended. Friday morning is even better, the crowds of children are amazing - and are having fun! It is so great looking at all those happy smiling faces going from stand to stand, looking longingly to all the books on display! What a better hopeful message for the future than children happy to read books?

Of course the show is not only about children. The main theme this year is, as mentioned on my previous post about the fair, the political book. We designed and made the stand for the main theme, which encompasses not only political books but also an exhibition of political posters in Greece throughout the years.

The graffiti incorporated with big paintings about important political moments in world history give the stand a dramatic look.

We also designed and made the EKEBI stand where one can be informed about the fair and all that is happening about books in Greece now.

This is where the French writers and illustrators of children's books will be presenting and signing their books!

The children's library - designed and made by our team again! There is a great comic for children on the back wall.

The tree of knowledge?

And our friends from Muzine have their stand in the show, Pavilion 13, stand no.64 - go get Muzine from there with a discount! There will be gifts too!!! And the party is on tonight!!! Be there or be square!


  1. It was great indeed!
    Συγχαρητήρια για τον άψογο σχεδιασμό και την αδιάλλειπτη παρουσία σας, παρά τις κουραστικές μέρες και τις μακριές νύχτες:)

  2. Ευχαριστώ πολύ! (blush) Χαρά μου που σας είδαμε κι εκεί!

  3. muzine rules...!!
    nice 2 meet u..!
    tin epomeni fora..kai poto !

  4. @ mixalis e. :It was nice meeting you too!!! Φυσικά και ποτό!!!

  5. ο χώρος φαίνεται απίστευτος.Και απ' ότι φαίνεται και το πάρτυ τα ΄σπασε! γαμώ! άντε και του χρόνου!

    (γκραμφ...ακόμη δεν έχω πάρει το νέο muzine και έχω σύνδρομο στέρησης)

  6. Του χρόνου σας περιμένουμε!!!

  7. Αν το έκαναν, όπως λέει κι ο Ίνδικτος αργότερα, που θα είχαν κλείσει τα σχολεία...

    Πολύ καλή δουλειά, Στράτο μου!!!

    Μπράβο και πάλι!

  8. @νατασσάκι: *blush* ευχαριστώ!

  9. Ωραία η παρουσίαση. Με ενθουσίασαν τα χρώματα αλλά κυρίως το δέντρο της γνώσης :)))

  10. @mamma: Το δέντρο είναι made by EKEBI!
