Friday, December 22, 2006

Season's greetings

Apple has many nice cards to choose from, and here's one for you all:


  1. Same nice wishes to you into this new 2007!

    kisses from

  2. Anonymous6:04 am

    Sandman -- check out Alex Kucinzki's article in today's New York Times. You posted a comment on the Sartorialist the other day, and she blatantly uses the idea in her column. Yours: "Amazing lady! Maybe one of the best dressed in your blog. And a woman who is not afraid to stand in a pose different from the usuall [sic] little-girl-toes-turned-in pose that so many affect just for fshion's shake." AK's reads "HAVE you noticed that while models in fashion magazines two decades ago stood with their feet in a proud position, straight forward and elegant, all the models and celebrities now seem to stand with their feet turned inward, knock-kneed as if they were ashamed, or 10 years old?"
    She is the worst.
